- Birth: 21 FEB 1852, Germany
- Residence: 1900
- Residence: 1910
- Residence: 1910
- _UPD: 25 FEB 2018 15:46:03 GMT -0600
- Comment: Joachim Schilling left Germany because he didn’t want his sons being cannon fodder for the Kaiser.
- Immigration: 1881
- Immigration: 1884
- Naturalization: 1886, Illinois
- Residence: 1895
- Death: 9 MAR 1920, Paxico, Wabaunsee, Kansas, United States
- Partnership with: Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Marriage: ABT 1877
- Child: George "Frank" SCHILLING Birth: 31 MAY 1878, Germany
- Child: August "Gus" SCHILLING Birth: 1879, Germany
- Child: Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING Birth: 31 MAR 1882, Beberstadt, Germany
- Child: Simon "Sam" Anselm SCHILLING Birth: 26 FEB 1884, Belleville, iL
- Child: Frances SCHILLING Birth: 7 AUG 1886, Illinois, United States
- Child: Catherine (Catharine?) SCHILLING Birth: 7 AUG 1889, Paxico, Wabaunsee, Kansas, United States
- Child: Cecilia (Cecelia?) SCHILLING Birth: FEB 1891, Paxico, KS
- Child: John "Johnny" SCHILLING Birth: 1893, Paxico, KS
- Child: Mary S SCHILLING Birth: FEB 1895, Paxico, Wabaunsee, Kansas, United States
- Child: Maximillian "Max" William SCHILLING Birth: 1897, Kansas, USA
Descendants of Joachim SCHILLING
=Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?) Marriage: ABT 1877
2 George "Frank" SCHILLING
2 August "Gus" SCHILLING
=Anna BECKER Marriage: 13 MAY 1913, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska
2 Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
=Jennie Rosetta HANER Marriage: 1912, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska, United States
3 Julia Adeline SCHILLING
=John Bernard Henry BORGMANN Marriage: 24 NOV 1936, St. Mary's Church, Osmond, NE
3 Ruth Margaret SCHILLING
3 Mary Rosetta SCHILLING
3 Joachim Royal SCHILLING
2 Simon "Sam" Anselm SCHILLING
=Margaret LUEBBERS
2 Catherine (Catharine?) SCHILLING
=Arthur WEAVER
3 Isabel WEAVER
3 Evelyn WEAVER
2 Cecilia (Cecelia?) SCHILLING
3 Joseph CARLSON
2 John "Johnny" SCHILLING
=Clarence ATKINSON
2 Maximillian "Max" William SCHILLING
=Eleanora BECKER
3 Infant Son SCHILLING
Ancestors of Joachim Royal SCHILLING
/-Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
| \-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Joachim Royal SCHILLING
| /-Isaac (Isaak?) HANER
| /-Friend David HANER
| | \-Phoebe Ann BIDWELL
\-Jennie Rosetta HANER
| /-Patrick Lynch VAN DYKE
\-Mary Jane "Jennie" VAN DYKE
\-Rosetta Angelina COLE
Ancestors of John "Johnny" SCHILLING
John "Johnny" SCHILLING
\-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
- Father: Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
- Mother: Jennie Rosetta HANER
- Birth: 27 OCT 1914, Osmond, NE
- Residence: 1930
- _UPD: 23 FEB 2018 08:36:32 GMT -0600
- Comment: Julia Adeline Schilling Borgmann was born October 27th, 1914 to Zacharias Anton and Jenny (Haner) Schilling in Osmond, Nebraska. She was one of five children born to the family. Two boys, Zachary and Joachim, died in infancy. Mom’s two sisters, Ruth and Mary Schilling, lived most of their lives in Osmond but spent their final days in St. Joseph’s nursing home in Norfolk, Nebraska. When mom was three years old, her family moved to New York State near Gilboa, NY. A family farm owned by Friend Haner had been left to Jenny somewhat temporarily. Mom’s mother and father and the family set out to make a living. This segment of my mothers life is documented in a book she wrote entitled I Remember Friend’s Place.|Mom’s family moved back from New York when she was in the eighth grade. She attended St. Mary’s grade school and Osmond High School and graduated with the class of 1932 which is shown below. She then attended Hastings College for two years. During that time she lived with her uncle and aunt, Royal and Ester Haner (Royal was Jenny Haner’s brother). She took courses toward being a librarian but would have had to leave the state to finish school. She instead chose to marry and raise a family. On November 24, 1936 my mother, Adeline, married John Bernard Henry Borgmann (8/22/1912) at St. Mary’s Church in Osmond Nebraska.
- Comment: Memories of Julia Adeline|||Jane|Joe Ruterbories:|I remember her being the only quiet one in a loud household. You’d occasionally hear her low chuckle laugh and an occasional funny zinger, but usually she would just listen to what everyone else was yelling, I mean talking, about. The little farmhouse had to have loose nails in the rafters and walls from all the gatherings where the volume seemed to escalate to the level of a Cummings diesel engine. That noise was usually someone laughing or telling a story that needed to be heard, so actually the noise was a sign that all was normal and good in the family. | |Christmas at Grandma’s meant everyone getting something from Grandma. She obviously knew we had a drafty house with cold floors because we always got the knit slippers, which we of course used to slip and slide until we wore a hole in them. They were always very comfortable and cozy. When you put them on you could just feel the love from Grandma. | |I also remember watching her face when the gatherings would turn into concerts right in the living room or church basement. There was a quiet pride that you could see in her knowing that she had a major part in creating the praise that was being sung from every hymn. | |Thanks for the memories Grandma.||Susan Frodyma:|I remember her advice when we were visiting about my wedding plans. She stated, "Just keep it simple.” After hearing that, it made it easier to make decisions about the wedding. | |I remember what she said at the funeral of my infant cousin, Henry. She said, "This is one child that Marian will never have to worry about." She knew that Henry would be in God's hands. ||When I would sew something that was plaid, I can remember my mother, Jane, making sure the plaids matched at the seam. This was important because it was something that Grandma would always look for in a handmade piece of clothing. ||I remember Sunday lunches of summer sausage sandwiches and how simple and yummy that was.||John|John Borgmann:|I remember how you liked to hum and sing. It didn’t matter if you were working in the garden, making bread, knitting or sewing…you were either humming or singing. You did also like to talk to yourself when you were doing those things too. You would carry on some pretty good conversations. ||I recall you used to receive Etude magazine, and I think it had sheet music in it because you would then play different songs on the piano for us. ||I remember in third grade when you made me a pair of brown corduroy bib overalls and a new shirt. I wore them at the Christmas program and sang Up on the House Top. ||You also made the best pancakes…some people didn’t like them, but they were always my favorite. You used to cook them right on top of the cast iron stove. ||Love,|John||Jerry Borgmann:|I have some great memories of spending time at your place on the farm. When I think back what stands out the most is how you let kids be kids. It was a different time then. Kids could run around outside, explore, use their imaginations not have to worry about things that kids today do.|Love,|Jerry||Julie Borgmann:|I don't know if I can pick a favorite memory because I have so many and every one is precious. I remember making bread dough with your from my first memories. I remember picking strawberries with you and you cracking your knuckles while saying your prayers at breakfast over a soggy bowl of bran! ||There are some wonderful things you did for me. You made me a coat that was purple wool with fake fur lining. I thought I was the most beautiful thing in the world. It made me feel special. Another time you took part of a Hawaiian print shirt and made me my first 2 piece bathing suit. You used panties for lining…I thought I was hot stuff. I still have my brown cable knit sweater you made in high school. ||The times I remember at your house are too many to list. Everything from summer sausage, to floating in a 55 gallon drum made into a boat, to playing in the old shack in the woods, to carrying a dead red fox home around my neck and dropping it on your kitchen table. All the wonderful bugs! I loved being at your house so much. I loved sitting beside you learning to knit one pearl one. I wish I would have learned well enough to make something. You are a wonderful grandmother. I hope and pray you have many more birthdays. I love you very much! ||Your granddaughter,|Julie||Anita Borgmann:|One of my favorite memories of you is from when I was a child. I remember getting off the school bus with Barb and Marian and rushing up the driveway to find you baking bread! We would always have fresh buns and chocolate milk as a snack while you made the supper meal. ||My other memories of you are more of the silent nature...I can picture clearly in my mind you standing in the garden or at the clothesline in your house dress and the wind blowing the loose hair from your bun. You were just always there…present outdoors, knitting in your chair, or doing a crossword puzzle. ||Love,|Anita||Jennie Borgmann:|I remember you always doing something…knitting, making bread, doing a crossword, reading, playing Scrabble. You went about these things in a content manner, not rushed, irritated or stressed. I often wondered how everyone else in the family got to be so noisy when you were so quiet. ||It makes me smile to think of the sound you make when you laugh…kind of a tsstsstss sound.||I still have a sweater vest you made for me when I was about 5 years old, I even have the one you made for Angie that year. Every now and then I take out the things you made me…my red, white, and blue stocking cap, my purple sweater, an afghan and wonder where you found the time. ||I cherish and hold very close to my heart the letter you wrote me for one of my college Ethic Studies classes. Your memories have been well preserved and I thank you for that. ||Love,|Jennie||Andrea Borgmann:|My best memories of you are the summers I spent with you. I remember walking to the library with you and sitting out back on the swing just talking and relaxing. I’ll always remember watching you sew and knit, it always amazed me. ||Love,|Andrea||Tim Borgmann:|I remember all the mittens and stocking caps you knitted all the grandkids. I remember having holidays at your house and hanging out with my cousins.||Love,|Tim||Liz|Liz Wattier:|Some of my most vivid memories of mom are her sewing and sewing and sewing. She made everything we wore. Even our long flannel underpants that we wore over long stockings, coats and skirts made from Aunt Ruth's and Mary’s things. And all of this on a treadle sewing machine that she had to peddle with her foot. When her back would hurt back would hurt she would put on her high heels and wear them around the house. And her baking powder biscuits were so good, and she never could give anyone the recipe because she never measured things. | |Dick remembers eating Nasturtium leaves with her and all the good bread she made. | |Bert Remembers playing on the swing outback, and the rope broke. Grandma quickly braided a new rope out of black twine so we could swing some more. | |Neil & Eric remember taking a bath at her house and she only put 2" of water in the tub and their little talli wackers floating on top of the water. | |Amy Remember playing button, button who's got the button? and dominos. And sifting flour for her bread out of the big yellow trash can full of flour. Also eating wheat checks in those little white bowls. Grandma would only give you 10-15 wheat checks and a half an inch of milk. ||Peg|Peg Timmer-Kathol:|Probably one of my first memories of my mother was when Steve was a baby and I went with her to the doctor's office or hospital in Plainview for a check-up. Steve was born in the Plainview hospital so that is why we went there for the baby check-up, I guess. I remember the nurse or doctor checking his umbilical cord and seeing that it had not dropped off yet. That must have left quite an impression on me. Then, I remember going with her to visit a high school friend of hers who was in Osmond visiting. This was a woman who was an actress, I believe. Anyway, again a strong impression; we were served a desert that required little spoons and her daughter wore a green velvet dress with a white lace collar. I remember asking mom not too many years ago if that was an accurate memory of mine. She said yes she had to take Steve and me along because she was nursing Steve and I was three. | |Strong memories in later years involve sewing with Mom, having her tell me things, sort of gossipy things as I sat ready to try on a dress, or help rim out seams etc. I sometimes wondered if she was just talking and I happened to be in earshot. Later as she was living in Norfolk, I felt very close to her, because we visited late at night after I came from teaching my classes at the college, bringing her ice cream. She was a big fan of "Judging Amy' and "Becker", which we watched together. Then "Becker" was moved to later, and we were forced to watch "Sex and the City", to get to "Becker". I miss those late night visits eating ice cream.| |I remember nights when Dad and the older kids would go to Lenten services or choir practice or something, and Liz, Steve and Enid and I would be home with Mom. She would take those times to read to us from the “Jack and Jill” or “Humpty Dumpty” magazines. There would be continued stories in them. Anyway, we would sit around the heating stove and listen to that calming, soft voice. At the same time she would have us either knitting or learning how to sew buttons on a scrap of fabric. I learned to knit before I went to school. I remember Steve sewing buttons on a scrap of fabric.||Jill Timmer Teehan and Mark Timmer:|I remember her bun, with pretty hair pins that stayed in a china cup and long hair being undone at bedtime; it scared me the first time I ever saw her with her hair down in a night dress getting ready for bed. When I was really, really little, I once asked her if she wore her hair in bun when she played basketball in high school... ; )|Her huge bowl of bread-dough being mixed from an e
- Comment: Memories of Julia Adeline|||Enid|Enid Cederlind: |The main things that impressed me most about Mom growing up, was the fact that she could create things so readily. We used to get wonderful Sears and Penny's catalogs, and if you needed a new dress for some occasion, she could look at a picture of the latest styles in those catalogs and ask you what color or fabric appealed to you (or that she had left over from something or taken apart someone else's hand-me- down), and sew something that was new and fashionable. It was amazing. Coats and mittens and caps appeared almost like magic!||Her ability to whip up a cake in no time, and bake bread several times a week was something we took for granted at the time, but now I'm in awe of what she was able to do. I do know she thought that making a pie was a waste of time. She said that you go to all that work and it's gone in minutes. Where a big apple crisp or cherry cobbler in a large pan seemed to last longer or go further without all the "messing around".| |I'm sure I've gotten my love of reading and working crosswords from her. Sitting on her lap and listening to the "Peter and Polly" book was time I treasured, and I tried to pass on to my own kids because it meant so much to me. After I grew up somewhat, she'd recommend reading material from the library - like "The Secret Garden", and various books by Jean Stratton Porter. I don't think they are even available anymore, but "The Keeper of the Bees" and "The Girl from the Limberlost" were stories I could get lost in - nothing very up-to-date, but very connected to nature. I probably had to be persuaded to get into them at first, but once I did, I couldn't put them down. I think she and I share a love of mysteries, too, and when I was far away, she would write and tell me what book she had finished reading. More often than not, I'd go to the library and get it, and her choice was very good. I still have a box of her letters that I've kept from move to move that I need to sit down and read again.| |All in all, I feel that having you as a Mom made me what I am today, and I feel very fortunate for it.| |We love you Mom. Happy 95th Birthday! Enid and Family||Adam Cederlind:|I have always loved the sound of Grandma’s voice and laugh. I don’t know how to describe it, and maybe I shouldn’t (a little gravelly from yelling at her kids, probably), but it is a comforting sound when I regenerate it in my imagination.| |I remember the first time I ever saw her hair when it wasn’t in a bun, and I was shocked at how long it was. I remember her shuffling around the house (in bare feet?) in her light blue (plaid?) nightgown in the morning, making coffee, toast, and Tang.| |The afghan and quilt she made for me. Her bread sack rugs.| |I love her book and its descriptions of the world around her. It shows me that she is one of those people who are keenly aware of the sensory world around them. Just the fact that she wrote a book (with pictures!), how many grandchildren get that from a grandparent?|It also shows me the kind of social and economic background that she and ultimately all of her kids and grandkids came from.| |I liked when walking with her and Mom to look at her garden in the backyard, just being there and listening to them talk. That has been an unassuming yet big influence on my life.||Lisa Cederlind:|I also remember the Tang she always had for breakfast, the way she would drink hot water – no tea or coffee, just a mug of hot water. Our vacation we took with her out to New York when I was 7 and how I shared a bed with her in our hotels and cabins along the way. I tried very hard to lie still so I would not disturb her while we slept. And how surprised I was to find out she had false teeth. Amazing! She must have been a saint for putting up with Adam and I in the back seat of our Chevy all the way out to Maine and back to Nebraska.| |She once made an entire wardrobe for my beloved Kerri doll: pants, dress, a sleeveless shell. Even a red dress coat with round, white buttons. Oh, the mittens that matched every coat I had, the slippers and a book that we would get each Christmas, the crocheted hats, the fisherman sweater for graduation, the quilt when I married.| |Gavin also received a hand-made doll, a little Buddy Lee boy in striped overall denim, complete with attached engineers cap and red neckerchief. And a beautiful, delicate crocheted coverlet for Addie when she was such a tiny, new baby.| |Oh, the big lumps of clay we’d play with on the living room floor, the African violets in the window, the bread-sack rugs she’d make, the cacti collection in her kitchen windowsill. The way she loved the color green and her little Norfolk Island Pine tree with miniature crocheted ornaments. The way she would read and read and play Scrabble by herself and do crossword puzzles and read the Sunday World-Herald. Her Yankee magazines, her ever-present knitting needles, crochet hooks and balls of yarn.| |I love grandma’s laugh, the little chuckles she’d get over silly moments. The way she would say, “Well...” when she was thinking. Her housecoats and bun and navy blue sneakers with no socks. | |What an amazing woman.||Erin Cederlind:|These are wonderful memories. I'd forgotten about those big lumps of clay... those were awesome. I loved her collection of mis-matched blocks, in the worn-down wooden box that I assume someone in the family made... that numbers game with the dark blue things that looked like lug nuts in the orange tray... the 1960s imitation Barbies, with their car and dog and clothes... the trunk upstairs full of clothes she'd made, that I'd play dress-up with... the little house with the snow-topped roof that you'd look through to see Christmas scenes (which I now have)... the green piano!... how she managed to always have Cracklin' Oat Bran in her house long after I thought they'd stopped making it... the giant logs of American cheese... the cookie jar that always had generic black-and-white Oreos in it... every Christmas looking forward to seeing what she'd knit for everyone... I was so sad when I outgrew my last pair of slippers, but Mom still has the little knit stocking ornaments. I think one year she put a few dollars in each of those knit ornaments for the grandkids. I immediately spent the money on candy. :D I loved the few occasions when I'd walk with her to the post office so she could get her mail... Grandma was always such a soothing presence. Every time I think of her I always remember her with sunshine around her. ||When I was pretty young, but probably just old enough to know better, some younger cousins and I were playing in Grandma's backyard in Osmond by the apple tree. The apples were small and hard- not yet ripe- and we found they were like little baseballs, the perfect size to throw. We shook the tree and picked more off and used our apple baseballs for target practice and had a grand time... until my mom came out to the yard and nearly passed out at the sight of all the wasted, under-ripe apples. She reminded us (and me particularly, being the oldest) of all the apple pies and apple crisp that would now never be made. With guilt and some fear I told Grandma, who said she might be able to make something of them anyway, so the cousins and I sheepishly gathered up the bruised, tiny apples. Grandma went to work, quietly, behind the scenes, and the next day when we were getting ready to leave to go back to Grand Island, she presented us with several jars of applesauce- she had made something from them after all. We opened a jar back home and it was delicious- very smooth, just a teeny bit tart, not overly sweet like most commercial applesauce. I was very sad when the last jar was gone, but opted not to test everyone's patience again the following year. To this day it was the best applesauce I've ever had, and I'll always remember how incredibly patient and kind Grandma was to not only forgive us but to turn folly into feast.||Bill|Bill Borgmann:|In 1953, while on a picnic at Ta-Ha-Zouka Park, mom pointed out a dark blue airplane from an air show across the highway as it flew very low over the park. When I told her of remembering this incident many years later, she was very surprised I remembered this, due to the fact that I was only 2 years old at the time.||I remember Mom making quilts from scraps of material that she saved from old shirts, wide neckties, and anything else that had pretty colors in them. She also knitted sweaters & caps for us which kept us warm in the winter. She taught me how to use a sewing machine so I could patch my own clothes, which I always seemed to be tearing holes into.|t|When I was 10 years old, we moved to the farm east of Osmond. On the north side of the place was a gravel road with a creek that ran along side of it. Now in the spring, this creek would run bank-full when we had enough rain. Steve & I decided to make a boat out of a 50 gallon barrel and go float down the creek in it. When we got down to the creek, Steve let me take the first trip in the boat. All was going well until I tried to sit on the edge of the barrel, which immediately tipped over backwards & dumped me in the creek. Steve eventually pulled me out but not before I cut my heel open to the bone on a piece of broken glass on the creek-bottom. After limping back to the house & explaining to Mom what we had done, she slapped both of us for being so stupid. She then hauled me to town where Dr. Malliard put 20 stitches in my foot. I spent the next month in great pain every time I had to walk on it. |t|Having a family of 11 children, the amount of food mom had to prepare everyday had to be a real challenge. This is why Mom always had a large garden that we lived off of every summer. When it came to baking and cooking, Mom’s homemade bread, pork chops with sauerkraut and dumplings, strawberry shortcake, pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, chocolate cake, and oatmeal cookies are foods that I will remember my whole life.|t|These are just a few of the many memories I have of my dear Mother.|Happy 95th Birthday Mom!|Love, Billy||Abby Borgmann:|I remember the box of toys that she kept
- Comment: Memories of Julia Adeline|||Marian|Marian’s Borgmann Ingwerson:| My earliest memories are sitting on Enid’s lap in the dark, watching TV with all the kids around and wanting mom. I think this was when she had surgery and I would have been just over two. The other early memory is of Barb falling backward out of a swing and not being able to get up. I went in and told Mom that “Barbie falled and go boom” … or something like that. Barb had broken her arm and this was the summer before she started kindergarten – she was five and I was two. I remember that she wore a blue sweater and black pants and a red and white shirt - with a butterfly print - when they took her to the hospital. I told her to hold onto her arm so it wouldn’t fall off.| |Injuries must have had a big impact on me: some I remember besides Barb’s arm were Dick getting hit in the eye with a dirt clod and his iris and pupil filling with blood and how upset Brian was about it. I remember Joe slicing his leg open at the dump and taking the stitches out. I remember Billy almost slicing his heal off in the flooded creek; Billy and Joe driving into the yard on a tractor with Bill bleeding a lot from his head – Joe having whacked him with a corn knife or hoe. Joe then hid in the dog house and I remember sticking my head in there to find him. I remember Jon Timmer cutting his leg on the manure spreader and crying “owie, owie, owie” over and over again. Joe had a car fall on his chest and had to go to the hospital and came home with pajamas! I fell (was pushed) over the side of the corncrib while racing Barb across the tall bale piles next to it and then being afraid to tell Mom and Dad about getting hurt because we weren’t supposed to be on the bale piles in the first place. And the two biggest injuries I recall – Anita falling off the fence and rupturing her spleen and that being quite a big emergency in the end and Dad losing his finger when he jumped off a truck and caught his ring on a bolt. I dressed his wound daily for a few weeks. | |My mother was always calm during these times. I don’t remember her ever raising her voice or getting too shook up. She would scold once she knew you were going to live but … never too much drama. I like that very much about her and I wish I could be more like her in that way.||Other memories I have – riding the old car frame from in front of the corncrib – down the hill, up towards the cave hill to get more momentum and as far down the driveway as it would go – with 5-10 kids hanging on it and Billy steering and Joe giving us the initial push. Running after Liz’s car or Toad’s car as they left like a dog – I’m pretty sure this is where I developed my sprinting technique.| |The elephant trap ( a hole 6x6x6 feet) in the grove and all the days playing in it, building a thatch roof, the built-in seats the boys put in it by leaving shelves of dirt along the sides. Steve must not have had a toilet hole to dig for a year or two and needed to practice his shovel skills. For a couple of summers, we had play houses and toy towns and a race track in that area of the grove. The elephant trap was very close to the outhouse that we had to use when I was very little and continued to use as the spirit moved us when out at play. It was full of cobwebs and big, fat spiders on big webs and there were always scattered catalog pages on the dirty floor.| |I remember that Liz’s kids and Toad and Bette’s kids spent many, many days at our farm in the summer. It was so great to have all those playmates and we spent our days finding things to do. Sometimes we had garden things to pick or clean but other times we just went off looking for things to occupy our time. We swung on the rebar in the big grain bin on the west side of the farmyard. We bounced on some rusty old springs out behind the chicken house. We sat in the steering wheel of an old pick-up and swung back and forth. W crawled up into the rafters of the corn crib, went into the mysterious tool shed that was soaked with diesel fuel and found strange things for making screw holes in metal and weaving ropes. We walked over to the “sandhills” or played in the creek by the metal bridge that was NW of our place. We walked fences – starting at the pig-shed … across the wobbly metal gate, onto steady boards and fence posts across another wobbly gate … east and then north to the corn crib – don’t fall in the stinky brown puddle by where the cows ate … over to the cow-shed along the top brace of a wooden fence, play on the cow shed a while, north under the box elder trees that you could hang onto … and there’s where Anita fell (be careful)… turn the corner, back to the barn, past one more wobbly gate or two and you made it!||We played in the “shack”. The shack was a small house the boys built, complete with a window, a door, a table that folded down from the wall and a small stove. We set it up like a house with old pots and rusty tin cans to use as dishes. Sometimes we took something to eat out there and played house. Around the shack were rows of trees and we climbed and played and built things.| |I remember the white mulberry tree on the “other place” and the one down behind the pig shed – gorging ourselves on mulberries, shaking the purple trees to get lots of mulberries. I remember cob piles, climbing on them, playing “king of the mountain” on them, throwing them at people. Going out on cold fall and winter evenings to bring in a bushel basket of cobs for the stove and sitting in the dining room putting cobs in that big metal stove. We herded cows by taking the cows out of the car yard, rounding them up and walking them out onto the country roads so they could graze. We walked or rode our bikes to do this. Barb always had a book to read but I didn’t like sitting. We made piles of gravel and looked for big stones in the road to make circles that were nests? If we herded cows by the white mulberry tree, we ate them and drank water out of the irrigation pipes. We road our bikes to Rasmussen’s to get eggs for $0.40/dozen. Sometimes Marian Rasmussen offered you a cookie. We road our bikes to town to go swimming. Or we walked the railroad tracks to town to go swimming.| |We walked beans and I hated it. There were so many cockleburs sometimes that we had to kneel, straddling a row and pull and pull, leaving very few beans behind. Dad would pay Dick and Dean a penny a cocklebur but we didn’t get anything (except our food, our house, our clothes, etc.). ||My brothers worked very hard and were very strong young men. They baled hay and loaded bales from the ground onto flatbeds and then stacked them into big stacks or threw them up into the hay loft with a pitch fork … one year we had two enormous stacks of hay and I remember Lloyd West asking which stack was his – this made me mad as he had done nothing to put them there. We had a blast playing on those stacks. ||The boys got up and milked cows every morning before school and every evening after school all year long, day in and day out. They built things and welded things and repaired machinery and tractors. They butchered – I remember butchering a bloated steer, it being shot and lying with its head hung over the side of a concrete slab where its neck ran blood. Billy sharpened knives and they hung it up from the loader and Bill opened up its rib cage and that big stomach came out in one big pluffy sound. I remember bushel baskets of pink baby pigs. ||I remember planting the garden, all the rows of onions, beans, and carrots and picking strawberries and green beans, pulling carrots and onions, digging potatoes. We cut and canned green beans and cleaned and froze strawberries and stored carrots and onions and froze corn. We butchered chickens in a mass effort. The night before, we kids went and caught chickens by using a coat hanger bent into a long hook and caught their legs from where they were perched in the big cedar tree behind the house or under the bridle wreath bushes. One time one pooped right in someone’s eye! In the morning, Bill would sharpen knives and the corn knife and would chop their heads off using two nails in an old stump to hold their heads. We would throw them on a pile of corn husks or whole field corn and watch them “Hanz” around - jumping and trying to walk with no heads – squirting blood out of their gaping aorta. How cool was that! Then, we would take them to Liz who had a big bucket of boiling water outside the back porch. She would dip them and we would go off into the grove where there were some big bundles of wire fence and it was our job (Brian, Barb, Dick, Dean, Bert, me … any assortment of Toad’s kids) to pluck them. When you were done plucking Liz would have a look and tell you whether you had done a good job. Once most of the plucking was done, the inside jobs would start … taking the guts out in the sink – keeping the liver, gizzard, and heart … trying not to break the crop. Then, Liz would hold them over the open flame of the stove to burn off the pin feathers, Mom would either cut them up or package them whole. On those days we had fried chicken and strawberry shortcake. Yumm.| |In the winter we walked to the sledding hill. We bundled up and wore two pairs of socks and a plastic bag in between on each foot. I remember Jerry falling through the ice in the underpass and walking home in bare feet. We would come home and hang all of our frozen clothes on the wooden rack that went around the wall stove. ||One winter we had a huge amount of snow and Bill walked to town in an old leather and fur “monkey suit” because we couldn’t get out of the lane. We had big piles of snow and sledded down them and off the barn in the saucer sled. The drain out of the barn froze and the guys spent a long time lying on their bellies with a garden hose attached to a well rod, shoving it up into the ice to get it to melt. Inside we played sliding dominos, we built towers out of dominoes and sucker sticks, we played cards, we did projects like wood-burning and paint-by-num
- Census: 1930, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska, USA
- Residence: 1935
- Census: 1940, Logan Precinct, Pierce, Nebraska, USA
- Death: 18 MAY 2010, Osmond, NE
- Burial: 2010, Saint Mary's Cemetery, Osmond, Nebraska, USA
Ancestors of Julia Adeline SCHILLING
/-Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
| \-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Julia Adeline SCHILLING
| /-Isaac (Isaak?) HANER
| /-Friend David HANER
| | \-Phoebe Ann BIDWELL
\-Jennie Rosetta HANER
| /-Patrick Lynch VAN DYKE
\-Mary Jane "Jennie" VAN DYKE
\-Rosetta Angelina COLE
Descendants of Julia Adeline SCHILLING
1 Julia Adeline SCHILLING
=John Bernard Henry BORGMANN Marriage: 24 NOV 1936, St. Mary's Church, Osmond, NE
- Father: Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
- Mother: Jennie Rosetta HANER
- Birth: 30 MAY 1918, Nebraska
- Residence: 1930
- Residence: 1935
- Residence: 1940
- _UPD: 25 FEB 2018 15:46:21 GMT -0600
- Census: 1930, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska, USA
- Death: 11 JAN 2002
- Burial: Saint Mary's Cemetery, Nebraska, USA
Ancestors of Mary Rosetta SCHILLING
/-Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
| \-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Mary Rosetta SCHILLING
| /-Isaac (Isaak?) HANER
| /-Friend David HANER
| | \-Phoebe Ann BIDWELL
\-Jennie Rosetta HANER
| /-Patrick Lynch VAN DYKE
\-Mary Jane "Jennie" VAN DYKE
\-Rosetta Angelina COLE
Ancestors of Mary S SCHILLING
\-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Descendants of Mary S SCHILLING
=Clarence ATKINSON
- Father: Joachim SCHILLING
- Mother: Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
- Birth: 1897, Kansas, USA
- Birth: 17 FEB 1898, Paxico, Wabaunsee, Kansas, United States
- Residence: 1900
- Residence: 1910
- Residence: 1930
- _UPD: 6 AUG 2018 15:34:42 GMT -0600
- Also known as: Max SCHILLING
- Census: 1930, Logan, Pierce, Nebraska, USA
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Maximillian "Max" William SCHILLING
Maximillian "Max" William SCHILLING
\-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Descendants of Maximillian "Max" William SCHILLING
1 Maximillian "Max" William SCHILLING
=Eleanora BECKER
2 Infant Son SCHILLING
- Father: Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
- Mother: Jennie Rosetta HANER
- Birth: 26 SEP 1916, Osmond, NE
- Residence: 1930
- _UPD: 11 AUG 2014 20:44:02 GMT -0600
- Census: 1930, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska, USA
- Death: 26 JUL 2000, Norfolk, NE
- Burial: St. Mary's Catholic Cemetary, Osmond, NE
Ancestors of Ruth Margaret SCHILLING
/-Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
| \-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Ruth Margaret SCHILLING
| /-Isaac (Isaak?) HANER
| /-Friend David HANER
| | \-Phoebe Ann BIDWELL
\-Jennie Rosetta HANER
| /-Patrick Lynch VAN DYKE
\-Mary Jane "Jennie" VAN DYKE
\-Rosetta Angelina COLE
- Father: Joachim SCHILLING
- Mother: Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
- Birth: 26 FEB 1884, Belleville, iL
- Residence: 1895
- Residence: 1900
- Residence: 12 SEP 1918
- Residence: 1920
- Residence: 1935
- Residence: 1940
- _UPD: 25 FEB 2018 15:28:06 GMT -0600
- Census: 1930, Plum Grove, Pierce, Nebraska, USA
- Death: 4 JUN 1949, Osmond, Pierce County, Nebraska, USA
- Burial: 7 JUN 1949, St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Osmond, Pierce Co., Nebrasksa
Ancestors of Simon "Sam" Anselm SCHILLING
Simon "Sam" Anselm SCHILLING
\-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Descendants of Simon "Sam" Anselm SCHILLING
1 Simon "Sam" Anselm SCHILLING
=Margaret LUEBBERS
- Father: Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
- Mother: Jennie Rosetta HANER
- Birth: 30 JUN 1913, Osmond, Pierce County, Nebraska, USA
- _UPD: 27 MAR 2014 11:52:47 GMT -0600
- Death: 30 JUN 1913, Osmond, Pierce County, Nebraska, USA
- Burial: JUL 1913, St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery@Osmond, Pierce Co., Nebrasksa
Ancestors of Zachary SCHILLING
/-Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
| \-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
| /-Isaac (Isaak?) HANER
| /-Friend David HANER
| | \-Phoebe Ann BIDWELL
\-Jennie Rosetta HANER
| /-Patrick Lynch VAN DYKE
\-Mary Jane "Jennie" VAN DYKE
\-Rosetta Angelina COLE
- Father: Joachim SCHILLING
- Mother: Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
- Birth: 31 MAR 1882, Beberstadt, Germany
- Residence: 1900
- Residence: 1930
- Residence: 1935
- Residence: 1940
- _UPD: 25 FEB 2018 15:46:00 GMT -0600
- Comment: Grandpa Z.A. Schilling emigrated to the United States from Baberstat, Germany in 1884 along with his parents, Julianna Kauffolt and Joachim Schilling, and two brothers and a sister. They first settled in Bellville, Illinois but later moved to Paxico, Kansas where three daughters and three more sons were born. Zachary moved to Osmond, Nebraska in the early 1900s with three of his brothers.
- Comment: I understand that when they wanted him to be on the school board in NY is what prompted him to become a citizen. He was later mayor of Osmond, NE and a Pierce County delegate to the Democratic convention in Chicago.
- Comment: from Abby: Regarding his nickname: he's called Res on some of Gma Adeline's hand-written family trees & in the Osmond centennial book which has family histories both of Gma & Gpa's parents & John & Adeline's family. it also has info about Gpa Res as mayor. it's a good source of info.||from Mary Jane Weber: The whole town of Osmond knew him as Res. I remember him well when he worked at the hardware store. My family lived above the newspaper and we always knew when Res was readying to go home from work on a cold Saturday night 'cause our TV would go nuts all the while his car warmed before he got into it!||From Peg: The warming was the way he shifted his manual transmission. He would floor it really hard before he let the clutch out. I was working at Goeres Elec. after HS and heard that everyday when he left for lunch and at 5:00 p.m.
- Immigration: 1884
- Residence: 1895
- Census: 1930, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska, USA
- Death: 16 DEC 1964, Osmond, Pierce County, Nebraska, USA
- Burial: 19 DEC 1964, St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Osmond, Pierce Co., Nebrasksa
- Partnership with: Jennie Rosetta HANER
Marriage: 1912, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska, United States
- Child: Zachary SCHILLING Birth: 30 JUN 1913, Osmond, Pierce County, Nebraska, USA
- Child: Julia Adeline SCHILLING Birth: 27 OCT 1914, Osmond, NE
- Child: Ruth Margaret SCHILLING Birth: 26 SEP 1916, Osmond, NE
- Child: Mary Rosetta SCHILLING Birth: 30 MAY 1918, Nebraska
- Child: Joachim Royal SCHILLING Birth: 1918, New York
Ancestors of Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
\-Julianna (JulianaJulia Ann) KAUFFOLT (KAUFFOLD?)
Descendants of Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
1 Zachary "Res" Antone SCHILLING
=Jennie Rosetta HANER Marriage: 1912, Osmond, Pierce, Nebraska, United States
2 Julia Adeline SCHILLING
=John Bernard Henry BORGMANN Marriage: 24 NOV 1936, St. Mary's Church, Osmond, NE
2 Ruth Margaret SCHILLING
2 Mary Rosetta SCHILLING
2 Joachim Royal SCHILLING
Descendants of John SCHINDLER
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendants of Bernard SCHLATMANN
2 Maria Catharina SCHLATMANN
=Anton POTTHOFF Marriage: 24 APR 1849, Metelen, Steinfurt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
3 Bernard Henrich POTTHOFF
3 Angela Elisabeth POTTHOFF
- Partnership with: Anton POTTHOFF
Marriage: 24 APR 1849, Metelen, Steinfurt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Ancestors of Maria Catharina SCHLATMANN
Maria Catharina SCHLATMANN
Descendants of Maria Catharina SCHLATMANN
1 Maria Catharina SCHLATMANN
=Anton POTTHOFF Marriage: 24 APR 1849, Metelen, Steinfurt, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
2 Bernard Henrich POTTHOFF
2 Angela Elisabeth POTTHOFF
Descendants of Richard SCHLAUTMANN
Ancestors of Living SCHLECHT
/-William SCHLECHT
\-Marcella JOHNSON
Descendants of Living SCHLECHT
Descendants of William SCHLECHT
1 William SCHLECHT
=Marcella JOHNSON
Descendants of Conrad SCHLETCHER
=Jenny GREWE
=Casper J. KLUTHE Marriage: 18 JUN 1913, Polo, SD
Ancestors of Jenny SCHLETCHER
\-Jenny GREWE
Descendants of Jenny SCHLETCHER
=Casper J. KLUTHE Marriage: 18 JUN 1913, Polo, SD
Descendants of Henry SCHLICKBERND
=Imogene PIEPER