- Birth: 1425
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendants of J. Hinrich WESSEL
1 J. Hinrich WESSEL
=Otke STRELOW Marriage: 1477, of Stralsund, Mecklenberg, Germany
3 Franz WESSEL
=Margarete LANGE Marriage: 3 NOV 1511, Stralsund, Mecklenberg, Germany
3 Barbara WESSEL
- Father: Franz WESSEL
- Mother: Margarete LANGE
- Birth: DEC 1519, Stralsund, Stralsund, Pomerania, Germany
- Occupation: Town Councilor, 1572, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Also known as: Joachim WESSELS ;[Sen]
- Also known as: Johann WESSELLS
- Also known as: Joachim WESSELS ;[Sen]
- Also known as: Johann WESSELLS
- Also known as: Joachim WESSELS ;[Sen]
- Also known as: Johann WESSELLS
- Also known as: Joachim WESSELS ;[Sen]
- Also known as: Johann WESSELLS
- Death: 11 DEC 1589, Stralsund, Stralsund, Pomerania, Prussia, Germany
- Partnership with: Anna WEMHÖVER
Marriage: Stralsund, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Henrick WESSEL Birth: Stralsund, Mecklenberg, Germany
- Child: Hans II WESSEL Birth: Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Margarete WESSEL Birth: 21 OCT 1546, Stralsund, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Gerdrut WESSEL Birth: 11 APR 1547, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Franz WESSEL Birth: 28 AUG 1548, Stralsund, Mecklenberg, Germany
- Child: Anna WESSEL Birth: 4 JUN 1550, Stralsund, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Judit WESSEL Birth: Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Hendrik Jan WESSELLS Birth: 1550, Germany
- Child: Catharina WESSEL Birth: 24 NOV 1554, Stralsund, Mecklenberg, Germany
- Child: Hans I WESSEL Birth: 20 JUL 1556, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Barbara WESSEL Birth: 13 DEC 1558, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Child: Lütke WESSEL Birth: 21 AUG 1560, Stralsund, Mecklenberg, Germany
- Child: Ihaphet WESSEL Birth: 29 MAY 1565, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Partnership with: Margarethe
Ancestors of Johann WESSEL
/-J. Hinrich WESSEL
/-Franz WESSEL
| | /- STRELOW
| \-Otke STRELOW
| /- LANGE
| /-Ludeke LANGE
| | \- LANGE
\-Margarete LANGE
\-Ludeke LANGE
Descendants of Johann WESSEL
1 Johann WESSEL
=Anna WEMHÖVER Marriage: Stralsund, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
2 Henrick WESSEL
2 Margarete WESSEL
2 Gerdrut WESSEL
2 Franz WESSEL
2 Judit WESSEL
2 Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
3 Harmanus WESSELLS
=Annetie HARTMAN
2 Catharina WESSEL
2 Barbara WESSEL
2 Lütke WESSEL
2 Ihaphet WESSEL
- Father: Johann WESSEL
- Mother: Anna WEMHÖVER
- Birth: Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Christening: St Nicolai's Church, Stralsund, M, Germany
- Also known as: Parow
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Judit WESSEL
/-Franz WESSEL
| \-Otke STRELOW
/-Johann WESSEL
| | /-Ludeke LANGE
| \-Margarete LANGE
| \-Ludeke LANGE
| /-Heinrich WEMHOVER
\-Heinrich Wemhöver MRS.
Ancestors of Lütke WESSEL
/-Franz WESSEL
| \-Otke STRELOW
/-Johann WESSEL
| | /-Ludeke LANGE
| \-Margarete LANGE
| \-Ludeke LANGE
| /-Heinrich WEMHOVER
\-Heinrich Wemhöver MRS.
- Father: Johann WESSEL
- Mother: Anna WEMHÖVER
- Birth: 21 OCT 1546, Stralsund, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Also known as: Margaretha WESSELS
- Also known as: Margaretha WESSELLS
- Also known as: Ketel
- Also known as: Margaret WESSELS
- Death: 18 AUG 1572, Stralsund, Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Ancestors of Margarete WESSEL
/-Franz WESSEL
| \-Otke STRELOW
/-Johann WESSEL
| | /-Ludeke LANGE
| \-Margarete LANGE
| \-Ludeke LANGE
Margarete WESSEL
| /-Heinrich WEMHOVER
\-Heinrich Wemhöver MRS.
- Father: Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
- Mother: Alberina HIETBRINK
- Birth: 1588, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Event Registration: 15 MAR 1862, Warnsveld, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Event Registration: 4 JUN 1863, Warnsveld, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Event Registration: 4 JUN 1863, Warnsveld, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Event Registration: 4 JUN 1863, Warnsveld, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Event Registration: 4 JUN 1863, Warnsveld, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Event Registration: 4 JUN 1863, Warnsveld, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Death: Arnheim, Gelderland, Netherlands
Ancestors of Harmanus WESSELLS
/-Franz WESSEL
/-Johann WESSEL
| \-Margarete LANGE
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
| | /-Heinrich WEMHOVER
| \-Heinrich Wemhöver MRS.
\-Alberina HIETBRINK
Descendants of Harmanus WESSELLS
1 Harmanus WESSELLS
=Annetie HARTMAN
2 Warnaer WESSELLS
=Metja BOONEN Marriage: 1624, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
3 Warnaer WESSELLS
3 Derick WESSEL
3 Harmanus WESSELLS
3 Hendrica WESSELS
=Allard ANTHONY Marriage: 1651, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
3 Christina WESSELS
2 Harmen WESSELS
Ancestors of Harmanus WESSELLS
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
/-Warnaer WESSELLS
| \-Annetie HARTMAN
\-Metja BOONEN
Ancestors of Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Franz WESSEL
| \-Otke STRELOW
/-Johann WESSEL
| | /-Ludeke LANGE
| \-Margarete LANGE
| \-Ludeke LANGE
Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
| /-Heinrich WEMHOVER
\-Heinrich Wemhöver MRS.
Descendants of Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
1 Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
2 Harmanus WESSELLS
=Annetie HARTMAN
3 Warnaer WESSELLS
=Metja BOONEN Marriage: 1624, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
3 Harmen WESSELS
Ancestors of Joanchim WESSELLS
/-J. Hinrich WESSEL
/-Franz WESSEL
| | /- STRELOW
| \-Otke STRELOW
| /- LANGE
| /-Ludeke LANGE
| | \- LANGE
\-Margarete LANGE
\-Ludeke LANGE
Ancestors of Maria WESSELLS
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
/-Warnaer WESSELLS
| \-Annetie HARTMAN
\-Metja BOONEN
- Father: Warnaer WESSELLS
- Mother: Metja BOONEN
- Birth: 1624, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Also known as: Warner Wesselszen
- Also known as: Warnart Wessels
- LifeSketch: http://espl-genealogy.org/MilesFiles/site/p717.htm#i71620 1653 In 1653 Warnaer Wessels, his brothers Harmanus and Dirck; sisters Henrica, Christina and Maria along with their mother Metje (Boonen) Wessels emigrated to New Amsterdam. While we do not know the exact date of their passage, Warnaer is first identified in the court records of New Amsterdam in December of 1653. [S2006] Tom Wessells, The Dutch in Dixie, Berthold Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976), Volume 6, 212. 1 December 1654 There is no record of there being any agreements between Warnaer and the principles of the West India Company prior to his emigration to New Amsterdam. However, his career progressed swiftly in that on December 1, 1654 he was appointed Farmer of the Excise, a position involving the taxation of alcoholic beverages. The court records for January 13, 1657 the Schouts, Burgomasters, and Schepens of the City of New Amsterdam arrange for the stamping of barrels, and cans, weights, ells and skepels, in order to prevent all disputes arising therefrom and insuring equal justice; "Therefore their Worships, for the promotion thereof, have appointed and accepted, as Gauger and Assizer of this City, Warnaer Wessels, inhabitant of this City…". In that same year, he was named small burgher. On November 16, 1669 court records state: "It is this day Ordered that Warnaer Wessells shall be Constable of this Citty during the Mayority of Mr. Mayor Steenwyck…". In his capacity as Farmer of the Excise, Gauger and Assizer, and Constable, Warnaer appeared in court over three hundred times between 1653 and 1672. The impression of Warnaer from this first appearance suggests a man with an irascible personality. This is born out in later court records in which his quick temper did not always serve him well. The records also give us a glimpse of a man who was resourceful and entrepreneurial in nature. In addition to his municipal jobs, he bought and sold property and was a tapster. [S2006] Tom Wessells, The Dutch in Dixie, Drs. J. G. B. Bulloch and Arthur Adams, Genealogical Notes Relating to Warnaer Wessels and his Descendants, Record, Volume 44, (1913): 323. Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, Volume 1, 266. Bulloch and Adams, Genealogical Notes, Record, Volume 44, (1913): 323. Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, Volume 6, 203. 1655 Records indicate that circa 1655 Warnaer Wessels rented the house which he would later purchase. The 1660 survey depicted on the Costello map indicate that Warnaer was located in a house on block E Lot #3, which is on a cross street (possibly Winkel Street) between Brouwer Straat (Stone Street) and Brugh Straat (Bridge Street), facing the West India Company house and storage row. [S2006] Tom Wessells, The Dutch in Dixie, J. H. Innes, New Amsterdam and Its People, (New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1902), 29 & Peter Spier, The Legend of New Amsterdam, (New York: Doubleday, 1979), accessed on line. 1663 Subsequent to the loss of New Amsterdam to the British on September 8, 1664, it appears that Warnaer and Elizabeth sailed for Holland. His last entry in the New Amsterdam court records for that year was November 8, 1664. Church records in Emmrich, Germany, a town on the Dutch border, record a baptism on December 17, 1664 of Anna Catharina, daughter of Warnaer Wessels and Anna Elisabeth Masschop. Why Warnaer took a pregnant wife to Holland at that time remains a mystery. To add to the mystery are two listings of a ship's passenger list. Each lists the same group of passengers. One dates the voyage as April 17, 1664, the other January 20,1664 (most likely a transcription error). The ship is The Sacred Heart with Captain Dirck Jacobsz De Vries. The passenger of interest is "Wander Wessels (Added on Dr.) Nota. His wife was coming out but died in Texel." Wander was among four passengers listed as "Came out at the cost of the company." If this is our Wander (Warnaer) Wessels then two facts are in dispute. The date of departure is not right. If the year is incorrect making the transit in 1665 rather than 1664 puts his departure date one day before Warnaer is in the court records, April 18, 1665, for the first time since November 8, 1664. The second possible error is naming his wife as having died on Texel. It is possible than daughter Anna Cathrina was mistaken for her mother Anna Elizabeth in the records. If this is our Warnaer, then this scenario fits with the New Amsterdam records. (The Island of Trexel was a gathering point for regional ships to bring travelers to board trans-atlantic vessels bound for America and other distant locals). The court records reflect an absence for Warnaer of a little less than six months, sufficient time for a quick round trip.6 [S2006] Tom Wessells, The Dutch in Dixie, Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, Volume 5, 155. Baptismal Record, (Emmerih church records, 1664) Author has a copy of the original page the number of which is not ledgeable. Carl Boyer, Ship Passenfer list New York and New Jersey (1600-1825), (Westminster, Maryland: Willow Bend Books, 2001) 134. Michael Tepper, Immigrants to the Middle Colonies, (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1978) 59. 19 April 1665 In court records for April 19, 1665, Warnaer is listed as living on High Street, with no specific address given. [S2006] Tom Wessells, The Dutch in Dixie, Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, Volume 5, 222. April 1672 In April of 1672 circumstances appear to have become grave for Warnaer. On the 5th of the month, Secretary Nicolaes Bayard lodged a complaint against Warnaer Wessels contending "that the sd. Wessels is a Conciderable summe of Monny indebted to the Towne as p.r. acc.t produced in Court. The sd. Wessels doth not only refuse to make payment thereof, but in Contempt of the Authority & in affront to the Magistrates did give very filthy speeches…". Warnaer's final appearance in court was in follow-up to the appearance of April 5th. On April 30, 1672 "The Court having heard ye Excuse & supplication of Waernaer Wessels, Concerning ye Seditious words spoken in affront & contempt to ye Magestrates; ye Court for severall Reasons & Considerations have remitted ye punishment which according to the merit of this fact ought to be Inflicted upon him & do Condemne him only to pay to ye use of the poore of this Citty a fine of 20 Gilders together with Costs. The fact that this reduced sentence comes at the end of his court involvement is likely not coincidental. It is difficult to judge form these notes what Warnaer might have been experiencing during this time of his life. It is possible his health was failing. While we do not know the date of his death, his widow remarried to Francois Rombouts on August 8, 1675. [S2006] Tom Wessells, The Dutch in Dixie, Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, Volume 6, 371. Purple, Reformed Dutch Church Marriages, 40.
- Death: BET 30 APR 1672 AND 8 AUG 1675, New Amsterdam, New York, United States
- Burial: BET 30 APR 1672 AND 8 AUG 1675, , New Amsterdam (New York City), New York, America
Ancestors of Warnaer WESSELLS
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
/-Warnaer WESSELLS
| \-Annetie HARTMAN
\-Metja BOONEN
- Partnership with: Metja BOONEN
Marriage: 1624, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Child: Warnaer WESSELLS Birth: 1624, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Child: Derick WESSEL Birth: 1625, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands
- Child: Harmanus WESSELLS Birth: 1629, , Utrecht, Neth.
- Child: Dirk WESSELS Birth: 1632, Tolhuys, Aernhem, Gelderland, Neth
- Child: Hendrica WESSELS Birth: 1635, , Utrecht, Neth.
- Child: Christina WESSELS Birth: 1638, Dordesht, Dordesht, Zuid-Hollund, Netherlands
- Child: Maria WESSELLS Birth: 1641, Utrecht, Netherlands
Ancestors of Warnaer WESSELLS
/-Johann WESSEL
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
\-Annetie HARTMAN
Descendants of Warnaer WESSELLS
1 Warnaer WESSELLS
=Metja BOONEN Marriage: 1624, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
2 Warnaer WESSELLS
2 Derick WESSEL
2 Harmanus WESSELLS
2 Hendrica WESSELS
=Allard ANTHONY Marriage: 1651, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
3 Nicholas ANTHONY
=Eneltje SCHOONMAKER Marriage: ,, New York Marriage: 1680, of Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1680, Nyc, Ny, Ny Marriage: 1680, New York,New York Marriage: 1680, New York, New York, New York Marriage: 1681 Marriage: 1681, of Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1681, ,, Ny Marriage: 1681 Marriage: 1682, Kingston,Ulster,Ny Marriage: 1683, Of,,, New York Marriage: 1683, , Ulster, New York Marriage: 1684, Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1684, <,, New York> Marriage: 1684, Old Dutch Church, Kingstin, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1684, of Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1687, Of,,,, Usa Marriage: 1699, New York, USA Marriage: 17 APR 1699 Marriage: of, Kingston, Ulster, New York Marriage: Kingston, Ulster, New York
2 Christina WESSELS
Ancestors of Christina WESSELS
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
/-Warnaer WESSELLS
| \-Annetie HARTMAN
Christina WESSELS
\-Metja BOONEN
Ancestors of Dirk WESSELS
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
/-Warnaer WESSELLS
| \-Annetie HARTMAN
\-Metja BOONEN
Ancestors of Harmen WESSELS
/-Johann WESSEL
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
\-Annetie HARTMAN
- Father: Warnaer WESSELLS
- Mother: Metja BOONEN
- Birth: 1635, , Utrecht, Neth.
- Also known as: Henrica WESSELS
- Also known as: Henricks WESSELLS
- Also known as: Henrica WESSELS
- Also known as: Henricks WESSELLS
- Also known as: Henrica WESSELS
- Also known as: Henricks WESSELLS
- Also known as: Henrica WESSELS
- Also known as: Henricks WESSELLS
- Death: 1707, New Amsterdam
- Partnership with: Allard ANTHONY
Marriage: 1651, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Ancestors of Hendrica WESSELS
/-Hendrik Jan WESSELLS
/-Harmanus WESSELLS
| \-Alberina HIETBRINK
/-Warnaer WESSELLS
| \-Annetie HARTMAN
Hendrica WESSELS
\-Metja BOONEN
Descendants of Hendrica WESSELS
1 Hendrica WESSELS
=Allard ANTHONY Marriage: 1651, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
2 Nicholas ANTHONY
=Eneltje SCHOONMAKER Marriage: ,, New York Marriage: 1680, of Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1680, Nyc, Ny, Ny Marriage: 1680, New York,New York Marriage: 1680, New York, New York, New York Marriage: 1681 Marriage: 1681, of Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1681, ,, Ny Marriage: 1681 Marriage: 1682, Kingston,Ulster,Ny Marriage: 1683, Of,,, New York Marriage: 1683, , Ulster, New York Marriage: 1684, Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1684, <,, New York> Marriage: 1684, Old Dutch Church, Kingstin, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1684, of Kingston, Ulster, NY Marriage: 1687, Of,,,, Usa Marriage: 1699, New York, USA Marriage: 17 APR 1699 Marriage: of, Kingston, Ulster, New York Marriage: Kingston, Ulster, New York
3 Henrica ANTHONY
3 Hendrick ANTHONY
3 Allard ANTONI
3 Nicholas ANTHONY
=Rebecca OSTRANDER Marriage: 10 MAY 1717, Kingston, Ulster, New York, United States Marriage: 11 MAY 1719, ,,, New York Marriage: 19 MAY 1719, ,, New York
=Rebekka Pieterse JACOBSON Marriage: 19 MAY 1719, New York City, New York, United States
=Hester Peter ROOME Marriage: New York City, New York County, New York, United States
=Susanna BOONE Marriage: 13 APR 1766 Marriage: 15 APR 1766 Marriage: 1768, of Pompton Plains, Morris, New Jersey
=Rebecca Pieterse OSTRANDER
3 Anna Mary ANTHONY
Descendants of WESSENDORF
Ancestors of Florian WESSENDORF
| /-Hermann WOLTERING
| /-Hermann Wilhelm WOLTERING
| | \-Franziska KLITZ
Ancestors of Julia WESSENDORF
| /-Hermann WOLTERING
| /-Hermann Wilhelm WOLTERING
| | \-Franziska KLITZ
- Birth: 3 MAR 1816, ,Cumberland,Pennsylvania,USA
- Birth: 3 MAR 1816, Cumberland Co., PA, USA
- Residence: 1860, Monroe Township, Carroll, Ohio, United States
- Residence: 1880, Mifflin, Wyandot, Ohio, USA
- Also known as: Margaret WEST
- Also known as: Margaret WEST
- Death: 7 APR 1904, Mifflin, Wyandot, Ohio, USA
- Death: 7 APR 1904, Mifflin Twp., Wyandot Co., OH, USA
- Burial: Hendrickson Cemetary, Mifflin Twp., Wyandot Co., OH, USA
- Partnership with: Henry NEWELL
Marriage: 7 JUN 1838, Carroll, Ohio, United States
- Child: Peter D. NEWELL Birth: 18 JUL 1839, Monroe Twp., Carroll, Ohio, United States
- Child: Huldah NEWELL Birth: 1839, Carroll Co., OH
- Child: Richard B. NEWELL Birth: 24 MAR 1840, of Monroe Twp., Carroll Co., OH, USA
- Child: Charles West NEWELL Birth: 30 DEC 1841, Monroe Township, Carroll, Ohio, United States
- Child: Mary Elizabeth NEWELL Birth: 13 JUL 1846, of Monroe Twp., Carroll Co., OH, USA
- Child: Henry W NEWELL Birth: 1850, Carroll,,Ohio,USA
- Child: George P. NEWELL Birth: 24 MAY 1852, of Monroe Twp., Carroll Co., OH, USA
- Child: Martha J. NEWELL Birth: 1854, of Monroe Twp., Carroll Co., OH, USA
- Child: John Harner NEWELL Birth: 7 JAN 1859, Union, Logan, Ohio, USA
Descendants of Margaret WEST
1 Margaret WEST
=Henry NEWELL Marriage: 7 JUN 1838, Carroll, Ohio, United States
2 Peter D. NEWELL
2 Huldah NEWELL
2 Richard B. NEWELL
2 Charles West NEWELL
2 Mary Elizabeth NEWELL
2 Henry W NEWELL
=Sarah A SWARTZ Marriage: 20 NOV 1873, ,Wyandott,Ohio,USA
3 Milton S. NEWELL
3 Zibba D NEWELL
=Nellie Grace HEMMERLY
=Nellie NEWELL
3 Earl G. NEWELL
3 Francis NEWELL
3 Harold B NEWELL
2 George P. NEWELL
2 Martha J. NEWELL
2 John Harner NEWELL